Friday, January 16, 2009

Gym Rats

So i'm officially becoming a gym rat. Brandon got both of us a membership to Gold's gym which is right down the street from us and we go every night around 7pm. Let me tell body hasnt been this sore in a long time. It feels good to finally be getting into shape though. Thank goodness i've got him to push me every night to get my butt out that door to go. :) Today i had a meeting with a personal trainer and had me do some exercises that my body didn't like, haha! Oh man am i going to be feeling it tomorrow!

Brandon is still keeping busy with school. He requested a transcript today and his class ranking. He is ranked 14 out of 147 in his class. He's way to dang smart for me. He is very happy and is hoping that with his good grades last semester and a good ranking that he will be able to find a good paying internship this summer. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

So the job search continues. I have an interview next week with one lady. I'm not sure exactly what day yet though. She is currently in Michigan right now for work and said she would e-mail me back and set up a time and day. She complimented my resume though and said it looked really good, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed on that one. Still waiting to hear back from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. I e-mailed the HR lady today and got an automated response back by e-mail saying she was out of town. Hopefully she gets back to me soon, as i am most interesting in any of those jobs at the hospital, and they all pay well too, which is always a bonus! :)

Still waiting to hear if i have any visitors wanting to come any time soon, haha! Grandpa and Grandma Pike are saying they might make there way over here sometime in March or so as they are planning a big road trip. My doors always open :)